Orbiting For Optimum Torque
The sun or planetary gearing is a gearbox consisting of three or more gears revolving around a central sun gear or the sun wheel. These gear systems are available in simple and complex structure configurations that balance torque distribution in a moving vehicle. Varroc Planetary Gearing is made with Low carbon alloy steel, with the advantages of a larger reduction ratio of 7 or more, higher torque-to-weight ratio, and customisable configurations. Making it highly stable even in the face of stressful external pressure.
- Low carbon alloy steel
- Hot forged to increase part strength
- High-stress component with compact build
- Higher / multiple ratio
- High torque transmitting capacity
- Wheel drives
- Track drives
- Conveyors
- Slew drives
- Hoist drives
- Mixing
- Winch drives
- Coil tubing injectors
- Auger & drilling drives
- Cutter head drives
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