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Bharat Forge Limited
Pune Cantonment, Mundhwa Pune - 411 036. INDIA
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ESG & Sustainability
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The designated email ID for assistance and/or grievance redressal is
The Board of Directors of the Company has appointed Ms. Tejaswini Chaudhari, Company Secretary of the Company as the Compliance Officer under the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
For any information / assistance on Share related matters, including dematerialization, transfer, transmission of shares, sub-division or consolidation of share certificates, issue of duplicate share certificates, dividend etc., the investor can contact at:
Secretarial Department:
Bharat Forge Limited,
Mundhwa, Pune Cantonment, Pune - 411 036, Maharashtra, India
Tel Nos.: +91-20-6704 2777/2476
Fax No.: +91-20- 2682 2163
Nodal Officer IEPF contact details:
Ms. Tejaswini Chaudhari, Company Secretary,
Bharat Forge Limited,
Mundhwa, Pune Cantonment, Pune - 411 036
Tel Nos.: +91-20-6704 2777/2476
Fax No.: +91-20- 2682 2163
Deputy Nodal Officer IEPF contact details:
Namrata Sanghavi, Manager-Secretarial Department, Bharat Forge Limited,
Mundhwa, Pune Cantonment, Pune - 411 036
Tel Nos.: +91-20-6704 2777/3248
Fax No.: +91-20- 2682 2163
Registrar & Transfer Agents Details:
Link Intime India Private Limited
C 101,First Floor, 247 Park
LBS Marg, Vikhroli West
Mumbai 400083
Debenture Trustee Contact Details:
Address: The Ruby, 2nd Floor, SW, 29 Senapati Bapat
Marg, Dadar (W), Mumbai, 400 028
Chairman's Message

Bharat Forge is a responsible Company, which believes in the conduct of its affairs in a fair and transparent manner by adopting highest standards of professionalism, honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour. The Company is committed in building a culture, where it is safe for all the stakeholders to raise a concern about any unacceptable or unethical practice and any event of misconduct.

In order to promote the same, the Company has put in place, a whistleblower policy for reporting of any violation of the code of ethics and conduct.

We must continue to follow the code of conduct to the highest standard, which aims to protect stakeholders wishing to raise a concern about any serious irregularities within the Company. The Stakeholders are encouraged to confidently report any potential violations or suspicions of the code of ethics and conduct, enabling us to uphold our commitment to integrity and responsible business practices. This will make Bharat Forge a strong and sustainable Company.

Reporting Mechanism

We value the integrity and ethical standards of our Company. If any stakeholder (employees, directors, suppliers, investors, or customers) becomes aware of or suspects a violation of our code of ethics and conduct, we encourage them to utilize any of the available reporting channels to bring such matters to our attention promptly and responsibly.

Physical Letter
Physical letter in a closed and sealed envelope to:
Ombudsperson, Bharat Forge Limited, Pune Cantonment, Mundhwa Pune – 411036
Drop a complaint letter in letter box
Drop a written complaint in a closed and sealed envelope in a letter box placed at every plant of the Company.
You can write to
Direct Complaint to the Chairperson of the Audit Committee
You can directly report to the Chairperson of the Audit Committee by writing to in following exceptional cases:
  • Complaint against the Senior Management;
  • To escalate the case which was earlier reported to the Ombudsperson;
  • The Complaint is very critical that it needs direct involvement of Audit Committee

We prioritize the confidentiality of your identity to foster a culture of fearless reporting. An anonymous complaint can be made, strongly supported by substantial facts and evidences. All the reported violations will be heard and addressed appropriately except frivolous complaints made with a mala fide intention.

Whistleblower policy

The Whistleblower Policy (“Policy”) has been framed for the Stakeholders of the Company to report any violations of code of ethics and conduct, or any wrongdoings in the Company. The Policy provides a framework to promote responsible and secure whistle blowing. It aims to protect stakeholders wishing to raise a concern about any serious irregularities within the Company.

As representatives and being associated with the Company, we are committed to upholding its Code of Ethics and Conduct, acting with unwavering integrity. Corporate misconduct poses a significant risk to the well-being of our organization as a whole. By bravely speaking out against wrongdoing, we can foster a culture of accountability, maintaining a harmonious and thriving work environment. Our actions serve as a catalyst, inspiring others to remain vigilant and promptly report any observed or suspected misconduct. Rest assured, the Company is dedicated to providing the utmost protection to Whistleblowers, ensuring they are shielded from any form of retaliation. However, any misuse of this protection will be met with appropriate disciplinary measures.

All the Stakeholders of the Company may file a Complaint to report any violations of code of ethics and conduct or any wrongdoings in the Company. The term Stakeholders means and includes but not limited to employees, directors vendors, suppliers, lenders, investors, customers, business associates, trainees and others with whom the Company has financial or commercial dealings.

The Whistleblower may submit his/her complaint against any of the following Malpractices and events, which have taken place or suspected to take place:
  • Abuse of authority;
  • Breach of contract;
  • Negligence causing substantial and specific danger to public health and safety;
  • Manipulation of Company data/records;
  • Financial irregularities, including fraud, or suspected fraud;
  • Criminal offence - theft, bribery, blackmail;
  • Pilferage of confidential/propriety information;
  • Deliberate violation of law/regulation;
  • Wastage / misappropriation / theft of company’s funds / assets;
  • Breach of employee Code of Conduct or Rules;
  • Any other unethical, biased, favoured, imprudent event.
The above instances are inclusive in nature and not exhaustive.

No, the Whistleblower may submit his/her complaint at any time whenever any of the event as mentioned in question 4 is triggered or suspected to trigger.

Yes, if any stakeholder of the Company including employees, Directors, suppliers, investors or customers come across or feels there is a violation of the code of ethics and conduct, the same can be reported through any of the following modes:
  • Physical Letter in a closed and sealed envelope
    Bharat Forge Limited, Pune Cantonment,
    Mundhwa Pune – 411036
  • Drop a written complaint in a closed and sealed envelope in a Letter Box placed at every plant of the Company.
  • You can write to
  • The Stakeholders can also directly report to Chairperson of Audit Committee of the Company subject to specific circumstances as mentioned in question 7.

Following are the exceptional cases, in which the Whistleblower may report any violation to the code of ethics and conduct directly to the Chairperson of Audit Committee of the Company:
  • Complaint against the Senior Management;
  • To escalate the case which was earlier reported to the Ombudsperson;
  • The Complaint is very critical that it needs direct involvement of Audit Committee.
The report can be made via writing e-mail to

The Company understands and respects the choice of their Stakeholders of not disclosing their identity and accordingly it has provided an option to Whistleblowers to submit their concerns anonymously. All the reported violation will be heard and addressed appropriately.

However, the Company encourages the Whistleblower to disclose their identity while submitting the protected disclosure so that effective and expeditious investigation can be facilitated.

On receipt of the Complaint, the Company shall initiate the investigation on the basis of the merits of the case and in such manner as detailed in the flow chart enclosed as Annexure. Further, the entire investigation process shall be documented and be completed within 60 days from the receipt of complaint. However, an extension may be granted on the discretion of Ombudsperson depending on the complexity of the case. Click Here for Process Flow

Yes, in case, Whistleblower is not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation and the decision of Investigation Committee, he/she can make direct appeal to the Chairperson of the Audit Committee by writing an e-mail to

The Whistleblower should provide the details and documents for supporting his / her Complaint as given in the format enclosed as Annexure. Click Here for Complaint Form

No, the following complaints are not eligible for reporting under the Whistleblower Policy:
  • Queries or Complaints received from the Shareholders or Debenture holders relating to his/ her shares or debentures as it is separately dealt by Link Intime India Private Limited, the Registrar and Share Transfer agent of the Company;
  • The Complaint regarding instances of leakage of unpublished price sensitive information (UPSI) shall be investigated in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Insider Trading of the Company as framed under the Insider Trading Regulations, 2015;
  • Complaints regarding sexual harassment shall be dealt as per the Internal policy framed in accordance with the provisions of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act, 2013;
  • Personal grievances of the employees of the Company.

Where at any stage of investigation, the Complaint is found bogus or frivolous, the Ombudsperson or Investigation Committee may take necessary disciplinary actions against the Whistleblower including levy of fine, termination from the employment, etc.

Yes, any witness assisting in the said investigation or furnishing evidence shall also be protected to the same extent as the Whistleblower.