One of the most notable traits that define a successful company over the long term is its ability to identify technological trends from an early stage and to exploit those opportunities for its growth.

Kalyani Centre for Technology and Innovation (KCTI) addresses the technical challenges of Group Companies by doing failure analysis and providing solutions in development of new technologies and products adding new businesses. It also helps in augmenting knowledge and skills through Advanced Technical training, Advanced Academic Courses, Innovation and extensive Research and Development.

Kalyani Centre for Technology & Innovation

KCTI is recognized by Department of Science and Technology (DSIR), Government of India as a National R&D Centre. KCTI Laboratories are ISO17025 (NABL) certified and Approved by Rolls Royce, Boeing and many important Companies for their products testing and certification. KCTI is also having ISO9001 certification. It has fully equipped in-house Digital Libraries and World-class patent search engines.

At KCTI, we are leveraging our in-house innovation, R&D and engineering skills in developing and implementing innovation and technology strategies to create new and differentiated products. KCTI’s role in developing new technologies and filing new patents has reinforced Bharat Forge’s status as an innovation-driven company. Under CII Innovation Awards, Bharat Forge has been rated as one of the 50 best innovative Companies in India on the basis of credentials created by KCTI.

KCTI’s research contributions in international journals and conferences have demonstrated the capability of Bharat Forge in developing new technologies and their implementation related with processes and products. As on date Bharat Forge has 74 granted Patents to its credit and many Patents out of this has come due to innovations done at KCTI.

Your Partner in Innovation
Kalyani Centre for Technology and Innovation
Kalyani Centre for Technology & Innovation
Scanning Electron Microscope
  • Phase Mapping
  • Crystal Structure
  • Orientation Mapping
Kalyani Centre for Technology & Innovation
Optical Microscope
  • Inclusion
  • Grain size
  • Phase Analysis
Kalyani Centre for Technology & Innovation
Heat Treatment
  • N2 & 02 ATM
  • Controlled Cooling
  • Controlled Heating
Kalyani Centre for Technology & Innovation
Laser Processing
Kalyani Centre for Technology & Innovation
Mechanical Testing
  • Creep Testing
Kalyani Centre for Technology & Innovation
Mechanical Testing
  • Fatigue Testing
Kalyani Centre for Technology & Innovation
Material Testing
  • Fracture Mechanics
  • Tensile & Compression Testing
Kalyani Centre for Technology & Innovation
Additive Manufacturing